Monday, November 14, 2011

TIPS for Exam:)

  1. is some tips on how you can get through your exam...(cheers)...i found this somewhere over the rainbow....
  2. 1. When taking tests, relax. If you're fidgety, or worried that you'll fail the test, you're sure to get a low score. If you studied for it long enough that you know the information, then you shouldn't be worried about getting a low grade. (this is very important, take note)
  3. 2. Don't stress yourself. Act cool and calm. 
  4. 8
    3. Write good legible notes. Colored pens are fun to write with if you want to get more creative with your notes, but use them only for sections of your notes that you feel will be on a test or that are important. It makes them stand out. Use highlighters if there's something you need to find easily flipping through your notes, but don't highlight too much text or it destroys the point.(no wonder highlighters are getting expensive nowadays)
  5. 4. Making your notes fun to read will make them much easier to understand when you go back to look!(AHA!I have drawn a chimpanzee to study kohler's theory)11118
  6. 5. Invent a fun way to study. Don't study all in one night, study a bit each night. Your brain cannot take in so much information all at once. Make flash cards, have a friend over, or join an after-school homework club if you can for help from a teacher or a friend from the same class. A lot of people think studying is "lame" or "boring". You can make up a board game to make studying fun and easy, or you can just type up your notes if it makes it easier to read. Do as much as possible to make sure you know the material.
  7. 6. Eat a good healthy breakfast . it is known that if students eat a good and healthy breakfast every morning they are known to get good grades in school and are able to focus better in school.
  8. 7. Have good relationships with the teachers. If you don't they may give you an A- instead of an A if you are mean, don't pay attention, or don't listen to their advice, it can affect your grade.(haha....this one is funny...are you thinking of what i am thinking of??)
  9. 8. this is from me! bring notes to the exam hall~hhahaha
  10. 9. pray a lot and wish that you will pass although you have not studied.
  11. 10. do all as above~

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